Terms of Agreement

I understand that the FFYR is obligated to turn in the number of attendees and meals prior to the event.  I understand that the FFYR is held responsible for meals ordered and additional room rental fees based on these numbers.  I understand that the information that I have provided will be used to calculate these totals and that I may be held responsible for my registration fee, even if I do not complete a transaction or if I cancel my registration.  Refunds for cancellations will be at the sole discretion of the FFYR Chairman, but that decision may be appealed to the FFYR Executive Board.

All late or on-site registration payments are subject to possible meal and meeting material alterations and may not be guaranteed equal services as those who register on time.

The FFYR reserves the right to refuse entrance and registration from any non-member of the FFYR to FFYR events.  Please contact us at ffyr@ffyr.org for more information.